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Lucas Fuel Stabilizer prevents fuel degradation during storage that causes gum and varnish deposits. It cleans, lubricates and maintains fuel pumps, carburetors, fuel injectors and compression rings.

Lucas Oil Multi-Vehicle ATF provides today's transmission with excellent oxidation stability, foam resistance, rust and corrosion inhibition properties, wear protection and heat resistance while providing smooth shifting and eliminating chatter.

Formulated with the finest base oils and special Lucas additive package, Lucas Oil's Automatic Transmission Fluid Conditioner is designed to PREVENT slipping, leaks and wear to provide smooth, quiet operation while conditioning seals to extend the life of the transmission.

Lucas Power Steering Fluid with Conditioners is formulated with the finest base oils and a special Lucas additive package that outperforms all others, providing smooth, quiet operation while conditioning seals to prevent leaks.

It is 100% GUARANTEED to stop seal leaks in power steering units or your money back. Totally corrects rack and pinion problems.

Lucas Chain Lube is a low odor, semi-synthetic spray lubricant designed to meet the demands of today's high performance motorcycle chains and sprockets.

Lucas Oil Contact Cleaner is formulated with a unique blend of solvents, cleaning agents and propellants designed to remove oil, dirt and moisture.

Lucas High Performance Assembly Lube is designed for mechanics and technicians to pre lube bearings, cams, lifters and valve train.

Lucas Gun Oil is a special blend of oil and petroleum-extracted additives producing an all-weather, odorless lubricant.

Designed for Go-Karts and other chain drives, Lucas Sprocket & Chain Lube is designed with a specific additive package to prolong the life of sprockets and chains.

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Chris D Rutherford uses Lucas Oil Stabilizer on her 1991 Harley Davidson 1200 Sportster

I just recently rebuilt my 1991 Harley Davidson 1200 Sportster. Both myself and the well known renouned mechanic were amazed at what little wear there was on the moving parts of the engine.

The biggest problem we noticed was that the bearing cage for the fly wheels was desintigrating, but that was not due to lack of lubrication. That was due to the amount of miles on the engine, over 80,000, on an air cooled vtwin engine.( Not bad eh?)

Myself I attribute the lack of wear due to the use of your Lucas oil stabilizer with every oil change. I added (substituted) 1/2 a quart with every oil change. Probably more than is recomended, but alas I think it provided added protection. I did change the oil every 1,000 miles, about three times as much as recomended by Harley, but in the long run I had no problems with the engine.

Well.....the engine is completely rebuilt, the cylinders are bored .005 over, and she is ready to go. Please be assured I will continue to use your product, and I will boast its value to anyone who will listen.

Oh buy the way, my 1994 Chevrolet K1500 P/U, and 1999 Monte Carlo(recently purchased by me) , both of which have well over 100,00 miles on them also get infusions of the Lucas Oil Stabilizer at every oil change.

Thanks for your great product, and thanks for the oppurtunity to share my good fortune with your company.

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