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Engine Oil

L.W. Shoaf uses Lucas Transmission Fix in '94 mazda 626

I have used your oil stabilized for several years, but recently I learned how good your Lucas Transmission Fix is. Returning home to N.C. from Georgia, I heard someone behind me blow their horn. When I looked in the rearview, all I seen was billows of smoke coming from my car. I got to the next exit and found that there was transmission fluid pouring from the seal area. The stop and go traffic and 95+ degree heat had been too much for my 100k mile tranny. Being still 300 miles from home, I got directions to the nearest AutoZone 3 miles away. The dipstick showed a little fluid left in the tranny, but very low. So I made it to AutoZone, smoking and tranny slipping all the way. I bought 2 jugs of Lucas Transmission Fix and several quarts of fluid. I thought maybe this would be able to "limp" me home, or closer to it. I put in 1 jug of transmission fix and enough fluid to fill the tranny, and headed toward home. To my surprise, before I had driven the 3 miles back to the interstate, the slipping and the smoking had stopped completely. I stopped there to check the fluid level and it still showed full, with the slick Lucas Transmission Fix on the dipstick. I drove 50 miles and stopped to eat. When I returned to the car the dipstick still showed full and there were only 2 or 3 drops under the car. I drove the remaining 250 miles home with no problem. The next week my mechanic replaced the seal that had blown. He said he knew Lucas had some quality products, but this really proved it.

Thanks Lucas,

Your loyal customer L.W. Shoaf

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