Lucas High Performance Semi-Sythetic 2-Cycle Land & Sea Oil TC-W3 has been specifically developed for Motorcycles, ATVs, Go Karts, Personal Watercraft, Outboards, Snowmobiles, Weed Eaters and Chain Saws. Mix ratio is 50:1.
Lucas Synthetic 2-Cycle Snowmobile has been formulated with a special blend of synthetic oils and a low ash additive package to lower exhaust emissions.
TEAM LUCAS,JAB RACING INC. uses Semi-Synthetic 2-Cycle High Temp Racing Oil
Saturday June 23rd I went out to run my practice laps at the LUCAS OIL INDY KARTING SERIES WHITELAND RACEWAY PARK NIGHT RACE and ran 7 laps which is about 3.5 miles at rpm's up to 14,500. This engine is a water cooled 125cc 2 stroke costing around 7000.00. When I got back to the pits I noticed I had lost the belt that operates the water pump. The head was smokin hot and I thought I had lost the engine but after looking into it there was no damage what so ever!THANK YOU LUCAS OIL, because if wasn't for you're 2cycle I probabley would not be racin next week. I operate a team of 5 drivers and 7 karts in all classes and they will all have you're 2 cycle oil from here on out.